Connie Morgan - Therapist That Became a Writer

When You See Her

Book Review: Barbara Boehm Miller’s When You See Her is one of those character-driven stories you are not likely to forget. The protagonist, Sarah, is a 500 lb. young woman hidden away and trapped in her home with an abusive brother in a small town. When in need of a quick escape, Sarah Read more…

Happiness Falls

I meet the author of Happiness Falls, Angie Kim, on a Zoom book club discussion. What an honor, because her writing is top-notch. While reading her book, I kept thinking this story was like a domesticated Da Vinci Code because of the intelligent plot twists and the slow clue reveals. Read more…

Leadership Focused Dad

Father’s Day is in June and I have been pondering fatherhood and what has changed in parenting styles over my lifetime. However, I can’t speak of all fathers or the demographic variations of how fathers parent throughout the US. Yet, I know our understanding of child development has evolved since Read more…

Slow Movement

Life Transitions: My granddaughters are into buying clothes at consignment stores. This is an aspect of “slow fashion”. Slow fashion is an awareness that considers the manufacturing process and resources used to make the clothes. Our local newspaper had an article recently on “slow home furnishing” which called for a Read more…