Connie Morgan - Therapist That Became a Writer



head shot, black sweater

I’m a mental health counselor who became a writer. Now I am a debut Women’s Fiction author-in-waiting!

Life has prepared me to become an author. All my experiences and observations offer rich material to generate stories. I also possess the passion and tenacity it takes to become an author.

I treasure those times when my fingers fly over the computer keys or my favorite pen scampers across a notepad, trying to keep up with a burst of ideas. During those moments, it’s impossible to capture all the words and images zooming across my brain (that’s called draft mode). It’s an exhilarating experience; I feel alive with enthusiasm for how the story will unfold. The creative process is food for my soul. Though I’ve always been a crafter, my new medium is the written word. Now, with a full manuscript, revised a hefty amount of times, I have finally claimed myself to be a writer!

“Change is situational. Transition, on the other hand, is psychological. It is not the events, but rather the inner reorientation or self-redefinition that you have to go through in order to incorporate any of those changes into your life. Without transition, a change is just a rearrangement of the furniture. Unless transition happens, the changes won’t work, because it doesn’t take.”   

  ~ William Bridges

Major surgery on my neck and back forced me into early retirement. That surgery triggered a rare disease. This life transition brought me to where I am now – a passionate writer. If you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll read my personal thoughts on the broad topic of life transitions. There will be stories of others who have navigated the angst of change, and I’ll be adding tips and resources to help with the transitions you might go through. I’ll also share how the novel I have written is doing on its path toward publication. My story has a multigenerational cast of characters who offer examples of how they move through the changes they are involved in. Someday, I hope the book will be available for you to read. The characters might even inspire you by the techniques they used to support themselves and the choices they made while facing their challenges. The newsletter will also include short book reviews of books I am currently reading.