Connie Morgan - Therapist That Became a Writer

railroadLeaving Middle Age:

They consider middle age to be between 40 and 60. Though I have always “held my age” well, I have definitely left middle age. In this next stage of life, it has become obvious to me that self-care is not a luxury but a must! I don’t like it. It takes time that I would rather spend doing other things, but if I want to do those things, then I must give my whole being some daily maintenance. Since I am a person who has always been driven by goals, I started with small steps and then added to my routine over the past few years. I walk almost every day and miss it if I don’t because it’s the only time I allow myself to listen to podcasts—which I love. I ordered a pamphlet on Pajama Pilates. I do this routine first thing after waking, while I’m still in bed. While exercising, I watch HGTV programs. A reward of sorts. Recently, I’ve had to add some weighted arm exercises to work on a bum shoulder. This extends my time in bed a little longer than I’d like, but it works well with my intermittent fasting goals – making my 16-8 cycle of eating easier.

I don’t know if you noticed, but I’ve tied in rewards and the attitude of gratitude into my self-care plan. My exercise plans have now become “routines” and ones that I don’t dread at all.

See if you too can incorporate something you enjoy during your self-care routine. Remember that once you’ve created a routine, it requires very little conscious thought and becomes second nature. Then sit back and be proud of yourself. Self-care is an act of self-love.

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I'm a mental health professional who turned writer. I'll be sharing my insights, tips and resources on life transitions, reviews on books I've been reading and news about my journey to become a published author.