I meet the author of Happiness Falls, Angie Kim, on a Zoom book club discussion. What an honor, because her writing is top-notch. While reading her book, I kept thinking this story was like a domesticated Da Vinci Code because of the intelligent plot twists and the slow clue reveals. There was also the intriguing character development of Eugene and how the family in crisis reacted. The story is told by Mia, a hyper-analytical, twenty-year-old who lives with her biracial family — a working mother, a stay-at-home dad- who is discovered missing, a twin brother, and her special needs younger brother, Eugene. Eugene has a genetic condition called Angelman and cannot speak, so he can’t tell his family or the police what happened to his father when his father didn’t return with him from the park. Trying to unravel the mystery, the family uncovers secrets about their father and Eugene. The author wrote this story to shine a light on the plight of non-verbal individuals and their families. I would highly recommend putting this book on your reading list.
Categories: Book Reviews